Trending Custards + Puddings
Commonly Asked Questions
Custard doesn’t need a lot of air mixed in like other fluffy desserts. In fact, it is a little more heavy and dense. To prevent thin custard, beat your eggs with the sugar using a spoon, opposed to a whisk, to combine without introducing too much froth. Then add the milk or cream slowly and while mixing to incorporate without falling.
You can add a small amount of heated milk or cream and then use an immersion blender. Transfer it to a different mixing bowl before doing this and then back to serving dishes. It won’t be perfect, but it will be better!
It is not recommended to freeze custard or pudding.
Technically, yes. But I guarantee that you probably eat a lot of things with raw eggs like hollandaise sauce or mayonnaise, even ice creams. Many custard recipes will have you mix all of it together in a double boiler or saucepan, but the mixture rarely gets to a hot enough temperature to really kill of potential bacteria. Your safest bet is to use fresh eggs or buy pasteurized eggs, sometimes marketed as heat treated eggs.